Exam Questions


21. how have online media developed?

Online media has developed quickly and effectively. It has has an influence on all other types of media such as radio, tv and newspapers.People now prefer to read the news online and catching up with tv with websites such as ‘iplayer’ however this doesn’t apply to everyone.Also, social networking sites have developed a new way to communicate with picking up a phone or even moving e.g. Facebook and Twitter. These sites have developed so drastically that businesses are now advertising on them. Also, the development on smart-phones has allowed access to these sites easy and people use it as their way of finding out news. 

22. what has been the impact of the internet on media production?

The internet has had a big impact on the proliferation and popularity of media production. The internet is one of the most effective ways to market and advertise the different social networking sites and communicative web pages. the internet is also a place that makes downloading available so that you can create new accounts and download new software in just a few clicks of the mouse.
As we said, the internet has become a huge battleground for advertising, with each product fighting for the publics attention. Communicative web pages such as youtube are being exploited by companies as a major advertising forefront due to the ease of uploading, and also with the opportunity to pay extra funds to have their videos advertised first. Before the internet became popular, advertising was based mainly through newspapers or magazines, and occasionally the television, but with the rapid growth of popularity in the internet advertising can easily be found. In the last decade, a new method of digital distribution has become very popular.

23. How has the consumer behaviour and audience response been shaped by the internet?

Online media has changed consumer behaviour and audience response over time through the development of web 1.0 to web 2.0, passive to active consumption, globalization and democratization of the media. The development of rich media streams such as BBC iPlayer, 4OD and iTV has changed the way consumers uses the media that producers want them to consume.  

24. To what extent has convergence transformed the media?

Film and mobile phone convergence have transformed the media in the way of having a camera on your mobile, increases the  making of films from amateurs. Creating a thinner line between professional and amateur films, allowing film-makers to share their footage with a wide range audience through the internet such as Youtube. With portable devices such as mobile phones and laptops makes downloading and streaming easily accessible, allowing the consumer to view the footage in a range of places. Allowing an quick and easy access to purchasing the footage without having to buy the physical product. 

25. What has been the advantages and disadvantages for Media companies of the internet?

Overall media companies advance from the internet as it enables consumers to view their programmes at times that suit them helping to increase their viewing rate. 

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